Love Is Like Tea: Boar VS Boar

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Boar VS Boar

In a fight, would I rather face a boar or a bore?
Well, considering one is a hairy, unkempt beast....

Oh! You thought I was talking about the boar? *chuckles*

Boredom is much more formidable then any wild creature. It's also quite a bit harder to defeat.

It's the heaviness of your eyelids.

The monotonous drone of a bad speaker.

The idle taptaptap of a writing utensil against the desk.

So, what prompted this?

“A gossip is one who talks to you about others; a bore is one who talks to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself”

Just got off the phone with him.
Oh man, the contrast between the two.
His bitterness, hid behind snarky-not Snape snarky, bad I hate everyone and everything- comments and evil kekekekes.
I knew calling was a bad idea, bringing it upon myself really.

It's always about him. Him and his endless lists of problems.
Yes, at first, I'm glad you confide in me.
But do you hear yourself?
You're a grown man. You can do this.

Stop complaining about the mundane, everyone gets that type of shit.
You're. Not. Special.
Yes, you have problems, yes they're not typical, and I'm sympathetic towards that.
But the small stuff? Really?

And while I listen to your daily shitload of bull, you can't even pretend to be interested in what I have to say.
For Buddha's sake, YOU BORE ME TOO! But I put up with it, you don't do the same.

It's always about youyouyou.

Conversation never veers off:

a)Your multitude of problems
b)Praising yourself
c)Past/ current "love" interests
d)Revenge on past enemies
e)People you hate
f)Your family drama
g)Your childhood trauma

The sad fact is, 99.9% of what he says will fully slot into one or more of those categories.

Definitively rather face a bore.

He also likes to embarrass others. It makes him feel big.

Honestly, see this all in black words on white paper is really interesting.
This isn't some sort of petty rant,  it's a physiological analysis and it's unbelievably revealing.

Let's elaborate:

a)Whether big or small, not a day goes by where we talk and this doesn't come up.
It's either smaller, recent rants or it's about the things that happened in the last couple years. I understand, but when it comes to hearing it for the millionth time...there's only so much more input, fresh perspective I can give to you.

Which brings me to another point...he doesn't really want someone to listen as much as he has a need to just talk about how shit his life is. It's that self-pitying, all the world owes me, attitude that I detest.

Yes, the first time I heard really was unbelievable and tragic, but then I realize he tells practically everyone the same sob story. It's not the spiel that get's me as much as the attitude.

b) One of the most egotistical people I've ever met. Constantly needs to be reassured of his own worth. Stemming from experiences as a child and in his youth. While he does have more reason than most-in a way- but he really isn't all that. Yes, in certain fields, but in others, severely lacking. A big fish in a small pond, my friend. That pond being his social circle. Is it a choice to be unsocial? Up to a point...and then you find that you've been imaging that you actually had a choice...and that you aren't just inept at connecting with people on a personal level. Back to main topic-needs ego stroked, perhaps why he switched to younger. Belittles and criticizes others constantly. Tries to sound deep. Tries too hard to cover himself in fields that he really just isn't knowledgeable in. Worst part is, at he same time that he puts himself on a pedestal, he also belittles others. Id say I'm sorry, but I don't even feel apologetic saying really aren't the only one who can do this stuff. There will always be a higher peak. And,yes, when you do talk down to others.

c) Stemming from the above. Buddy, hate to break it to you,but your market value as of right now is not all that high. Please don't pretend otherwise, we both know this. Yes, there is the intriguing enigma aspect, but really, you haven't  whole lot going for you I'm afraid. A few can look past the outer, the circumstances and see that whirring mind...but when it come down to it...the negative outweighs the positive. I think you're relatively lucky to have me-at risk of sounding just as egotistical-but you don't show that you value me at all. Even as a friend. Is it like you're the one doing me a favor? I've met much better, with much more potential, and one day, will probably have one much better. Enjoy the present.

d) Please stop saying you'll turn violent. Seeking revenge on those who've wronged you. It showcases exactly how petty you are. And I honestly don't think you're physically capable of making good on your numerous threats. Also when you start swearing...reminds me of elementary children trying to masquerade as "tough" and the only way they can express the depth of their "anger" to the world.

e) Always the same old culprits. I get it. You hate them. Numerous stories accompany these personas, some justifiable and some not. It's the some not's that worry me. If I'm hearing it through your words obviously biased in your favor- and I'm still not convinced?!...

I could continue, but honestly, I feel like he's wasting more of my time, even though it's not him talking to me,  it me talking about him. XD

And after listing all these bad traits, it really makes me wonder what is balancing his act in terms of my perseverance with him...

I really do need to set the bar higher, and show that yes, I can be without you. And no, I'm not that easily satisfied. I'm worth more than that. And you know what, if she wants you, I invite her to be my guest. I'm not sure you're worth fighting over.

May 16th, 2012 4:21am
...and yet for all his faults...he's the one I stay up all night talking to. =^^=
May 27th update

Pretty sure he just admitted that I "kind of" bore him....
Are you for real?

Because the rest of the convo was decent, I don't know whether he's being open or just mean/tactless/insensitive.

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